Electrical Basics Blog by hubz power

A Comprehensive Guide to Electrical Basics

Electrical Basics

In our technology-centric world, a foundational understanding of electricity and energy is invaluable. From the intricacies of batteries to the calculations behind power consumption and the allure of renewable energy sources like solar power, unlocking the mystery of key electrical terms is crucial. This comprehensive guide, brought to you by hubz power, breaks down essential concepts like volts, amps, watts, and kilowatt-hours.

Electrical basics of Volts, Amps, and Watts:

Electricity, at its core, revolves around three fundamental units: volts, amps, and watts.

Volts: Imagine volts as the driving force propelling electrons through a circuit. It represents the electrical potential difference, or, in simpler terms, the energy per unit charge.

Amps (Ampere): Amps quantify the rate of electric current flow. Visualize it as the volume of electricity coursing through a wire within a given timeframe.

Watts: Watts denote the power consumed or produced. Calculated by multiplying volts and amps (W = V x A), watts measure the rate of energy transfer.

Gaining a grasp of these basic concepts demystifies everyday electrical phenomena, from flicking a light switch to charging your smartphone.

Demystifying Battery Terminology: Milliamp Hours and Beyond

In the realm of batteries, the term "milliamp hours" (mAh) takes center stage.

Milliamp Hours (mAh): This metric signifies battery capacity—the amount of charge a battery can store. Higher mAh values generally translate to longer device runtime.

mAh Means Battery: Recognizing the significance of mAh is pivotal for understanding the endurance of various devices, from smartphones to portable gadgets.

DC vs. AC: Unraveling Current Confusion

DC (direct current) and AC (alternating current) power systems play crucial roles in electricity. DC provides a constant flow of current, ideal for small electronics. AC alternates direction, efficiently transmitting power over long distances. Understanding their differences is essential for optimizing electrical systems, from household appliances to industrial machinery.

DC Current: Flowing in a single direction, DC is commonly found in batteries and electronic devices.

AC: Alternating current oscillates direction periodically and is the standard output from household outlets. 

Unlocking the Power Formula: Volts, Amps, and Watts in Action

Armed with foundational knowledge, it's time to delve into the power formula.

Volts Formula: The formula P = I x V connects power (P) to current (I) and voltage (V). Understanding this formula unveils the inner workings of energy-hungry appliances.

Let's say you have a circuit with a current (I) of 2 amperes and a resistance (R) of 5 ohms. Using the volts formula (V = I * R), the voltage (V) in the circuit would be:


Amps to Watts and Volts to Watts: Navigating conversions between amps, volts, and watts is essential for assessing power requirements and guaranteeing device compatibility.

Amps to Watts. 

Let's take a common household appliance as an example like an electric kettle.

  • Suppose your electric kettle has a current draw of 10 amperes (A).
  • The kettle operates at a standard household voltage of 120 volts (V).

To find the power consumption (watts) of the electric kettle, you use the formula:



So, the electric kettle consumes 1200 watts when in use.

Volts to Watts. To convert volts to watts, you can use the formula:



  • is power in watts (W),
  • is current in amperes (A),
  • is voltage in volts (V).

Let's use a household appliance as an example, a Laptop Charger. 

  • Your laptop charger has a voltage rating of 19 volts (V).
  • If the current drawn by the charger is 2 amperes (A), you can find the power (watts) using the formula:



So, the power consumption of your laptop charger is 38 watts. This calculation helps you understand the electricity usage of your appliances and manage your energy consumption.

The Role of Kilowatt-Hours (kWh) 

The unit of measurement for energy consumption over time, kilowatt-hours (kWh), is instrumental in understanding prolonged energy usage. Commonly used in utility billing, kWh aids in gauging the long-term energy needs of appliances.

Kilowatt-hours (kWh) play a crucial role in measuring and understanding the energy consumption of household objects and appliances. They quantify the total energy used over time, helping us manage electricity consumption efficiently. Here are examples to illustrate the role of kWh in everyday items:

  1. Light Bulbs:

    • An LED bulb typically consumes around 10-15 watts.
    • If the bulb is on for 4 hours, its energy consumption is 15W1000×4h=0.06kWh.
  2. Refrigerator:

    • A refrigerator might use about 150 watts.
    • If it operates for 24 hours, its energy usage is 150W1000×24h=3.6kWh.
  3. Washing Machine:

    • A washing machine could consume 500-1000 watts per load.
    • If it runs for 1 hour, its energy consumption ranges from 500W1000×1h=0.5kWh to 1000W1000×1h=1kWh, depending on the model.
  4. Air Conditioner:

    • A window air conditioner may use around 1500 watts.
    • If it operates for 8 hours, its energy usage is 1500W1000×8h=12kWh.

Understanding these examples helps consumers gauge their electricity usage, make informed decisions, and ultimately contribute to energy conservation efforts. Tracking kWh usage empowers households to manage energy costs and minimize environmental impact.

From Basics to Beyond: hubz power’s Portable Solar Generators and Solar Panels

Having laid the groundwork, it's time to explore how these principles intertwine with renewable energy, particularly Hubz power’s portable solar generators and solar panels.

hubz power Portable Solar Generators/Power Stations:

These compact devices capture solar energy, storing it in batteries for on-demand use. A fundamental understanding of volts, amps, and watts is indispensable when selecting a generator that aligns with your energy needs.

How hubz power Solar Panels Work:

hubz power’s solar panels leverage the photovoltaic effect to convert sunlight into electricity. The generated direct current (DC) is then converted into usable alternating current (AC) power for homes or portable devices.

Watts and kWh in Solar Power:

Recognizing the significance of watts and kilowatt-hours is pivotal when evaluating hubz power’s solar panels. These metrics offer insights into a system's capacity and potential energy output.

Empowering oneself with knowledge about volts, amps, watts, and related electrical terms is the first step toward making informed decisions about energy consumption and embracing renewable alternatives. Whether managing batteries, calculating power needs, or exploring solar solutions. we step into the future, understanding how hubz power’s portable solar generators and solar panels harness the sun's power for clean, sustainable electricity is the key to unlocking a more energy-efficient lifestyle.

Curious about hubz power? Reach out anytime service@hubzpower.com 

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