DIY solar home - The pros and cons

DIY solar home?

DIY solar home - Is it for you?

More and more folks are getting into the going solar life. It's like the cool thing to do, and guess what? It's not just about saving the planet; it's about saving some serious money. You slap some top-notch solar panels on your roof, and boom, your monthly electricity bills take a nosedive. Plus, your home suddenly becomes the talk of the town, and not just because of your epic BBQ skills. Solar panels can seriously up your home's value. 

Now, let's talk numbers. Sure, getting into the solar game means an investment, but here's the cool part – it pays you back in just a few years. You're basically making your money work for you, and who doesn't love that? 

But wait, you've got some decisions to make. DIY, hiring a local superhero (contractor), or going all-in with a turnkey solution? We're breaking it down so you can figure out which solar journey suits you best.

DIY Solar home adventure 

Feeling a bit like a weekend warrior? With a home solar energy system, you can be the superhero of your own project. Yeah, it's the budget-friendly option, but hold on tight – you'll be the one rocking the tool-belt. From designing the system to choosing parts. Don't worry; there are guides out there to make you feel like a solar pro, even if you've never held a wrench in your life. 

Local Contractor Odyssey 

Alright, not into DIY? No problem. You can bring in the local heroes – contractors. They'll handle the heavy lifting, but you still get to be the director of this solar blockbuster. You pick what you're comfortable with, and they swoop in to save the day with their specialized skills. So, it's like a team effort, plus, it won't hit your wallet as hard as going full turnkey. 

Full Turnkey 

Got a budget that's "money ain't a thing"? Well, hello turnkey installation. It's like the VIP experience of solar. You hand over the reins, and they handle it all – from design to permits, they've got it covered. Sure, it's a bit pricier, but it's like having a solar concierge. You just sit back, relax, and let the experts do their thing. 


Choosing Your Solar Journey

Alright, let's make some decisions. Got a budget that's flex-worthy?

  • If you're feeling the splurge, go turnkey for that pro touch.
  • Tight on cash? DIY or grab a local superhero to keep it budget-friendly.

Got time to dive into a solar project?

  • Ready to roll up your sleeves? DIY is calling your name.
  • Want to be part of the design fun but have limited time? A contractor is your sidekick.

Feeling hands-on?

  • DIY lets you be the solar superhero, hands-on and all.
  • Contractors let you pick designs and feel involved in the process.
  • If you're all about that hands-off life, turnkey is your ticket.


Any ninja skills in home improvements or electrical work?

  • If you're a DIY wizard, this is your moment.
  • Not a DIY pro? Let the experts handle it.


Pros and Cons Showdown


Let's get real. DIY is the budget champ, saving you some serious cash. But, hey, there's a catch, it's a hands-on gig, so you've got to be up for the task.


DIY Solar – The Rebel.

DIY Pros:

  • Max savings without the pro price tag.
  • Pick from a galaxy of brands and components.
  • Learn the ins-and-outs of your solar system hands-on.

DIY Cons: 

  • You need the muscles and commitment.
  • Some places want a certified solar installer.
  • No pro service warranty here.


Hire a Local Contractor – The Sidekick.

Contractor Pros:

  • Balances savings and convenience.
  • Local heroes cost less than full-service solar stars.
  • You get to pick your faves from brands and components.
  • A superhero contractor ensures your system follows the solar code.

Contractor Cons:

  • Costs more than a DIY mission.
  • Requires some extra homework and communication skills.


Turnkey Installation - The VIP.

Turnkey Pros:

  • Quick and easy – no daily solar drama.
  • They do it all – design, install, the whole shebang.
  • Exclusive access to top-notch solar brands.

Turnkey Cons: 

  • The priciest ticket in town.
  • Choices might be limited compared to the DIY galaxy.

The money ?

Let’s talk money. DIY is like the thrift shop find – you're saving big. Your 6-kilowatt system might be around $10,000, and after the 30% tax credit, you're looking at around $7,490. Not bad, right?

Now, if you're teaming up with a local contractor, add around $6,000 for their superhero services. Total bill: $16,000, but with the tax credit magic, it's more like $11,200.

And for the turnkey VIP experience? Brace yourself. Depending on the service charges, it could be an extra $10,000 to $20,000 for that full solar pampering. With a $3.50 per watt turnkey provider, a 6kw system would cost around $21,000 before the tax credit, leaving you with a bill of about $14,700.

The decision?

In the end, the decision is yours – a solar rebel, a sidekick with local contractors, or a VIP with a turnkey installation. Whichever path you choose, one thing is clear: the benefits of going solar extend beyond just environmental consciousness; they make a lasting impact on your financial landscape. Your wallet and the planet will thank you.

Curious about hubz power home solar batteries? Reach out to us anytime. ☕💡 



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